In September 2016, Chelsey Wright was, according to police statements, abducted and raped by a gang of six migrants from Iraq, Syria, and Bahrain after her drink was spiked.
The victim woke up in a strange house in Sunderland with cuts and bruises.
The sexual assault reportedly only stopped because she managed to escape.
The young mother of three told police that during the escape, she was chased by several men who tried to drag her back into the house by her hair.
Eventually, after a fierce struggle, she broke free from her abductors and ran to a nearby relative’s house.
It was then that Chelsey Wright called the police.
The next day Chelsey underwent a full rape examination, which showed that Chelsey had been violated by at least six men.
The investigation also showed Chelsey suffered extensive injuries and had traces of Rohypnol in her blood.
The Sunderland police arrested all of the six refugees.
Many witnesses told the police that they heard Chelsey’s screams as the men tried to keep her trapped in the house.
Other witnesses saw her running away from the house, in a desperate attempt to escape from her attackers.
However, despite the physical evidence and witness statements the refugees were released without charge.
Furthermore, the authorities say they are no longer pursuing an investigation.
The lack of a trial has caused outrage and has led to massive demonstrations in Sunderland.

The supporters of Chelsey Wright who want to see a proper investigation into this case have been called ‘racist’ and ‘far-right’ by the mainstream media (MSM).
The attitude of the police and the authorities in Sunderland seem depressingly familiar.
In other words, their attitude is the same as those who were in charge in Rotherham.
As you will recall, it was in Rotherham where authorities turned a blind eye to the abduction, grooming, rape and torture of over 1400 girls.
However, this sordid behaviour was happening not just in Rotherham but many Northern towns.
Now, it appears that this criminality and total disrespect for women has spread to the length and breadth of the entire country.
For many years, British National Party activists, led by the late Marlene Guest (who was a BNP councillor in Rotherham), collected evidence of grooming and rape of young girls by Muslim gangs.
Marlene took this evidence to the police and the Labour Council in Rotherham, but they did not want to know.
The authorities were paralysed by political correctness and were fearful of upsetting the ‘ethnic community’.
One young victim who complained to police about being raped was told to ‘stop being a racist’ and advised to go on a ‘diversity training course’.
Furthermore, the brave BNP activist Marlene Guest was threatened with arrest if she continued her investigations into Muslim grooming gangs.
Justice for Chelsey Wright
This case in Sunderland shows that the authorities have learned nothing from the scandal in Rotherham.
Political correctness has affected the judgement of the ruling elite, especially the police. I’m not talking about the rank and file members of the police force; I’m referring to those in charge.
The Liberal Left in this country would rather be politically correct than stop women and young girls being raped and beaten.
For more information go to https://www.facebook.com/justiceforchelsey/