Two Tier Kier’s Labour Party to put Illegal Immigrants to the top of the Housing List

The Labour party has been accused of putting illegal migrants ahead of local British people in the housing queue after they released plans to ‘scatter’ asylum seekers across OUR nation – making it virtually impossible for millions of hard up families to find a council home.

The wretched Labour government has imposed agreements on councils to house large numbers of asylum seekers who will be settled in their areas and this will hit housing lists hard, with the treasonous Labour party putting immigrants straight to the top.

Once again, we see just how little the Labour government – led by Two Tier Kier thinks of the hard-working class of Britain.

They are not happy with hitting our OAP’s hard – they are now going after families who are struggling to make ends meet.

In true out-of-touch fashion, Labour have not considered the devastating effect this will have on our communities, where school places and doctors are hard to find.

It will get even worse with masses of unwanted immigrants being allowed to flood into areas that can’t cope with the huge influx.


We in the BNP say put British and local families first each and every time.


Charity begins at home.


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