Working to destroy the UK from within

Fascism stems from the left and nothing has changed

Hope Not Hate, the Anti-Fascists, Tell Mama, No Borders, Free Palestine, the Lib Dems and Labour are all working to destroy Britain from within.

Why do liberals say that even if you remotely question Islam, that you must be ‘Islamophobic’.

Throughout the Middle East, Muslims are committing genocide, throwing homosexuals from rooftops, stoning women or burning Christians alive.

And yet we are asked under the guise of charity to extend our money, homes, jobs and safety to millions of these undocumented men.

Many have either been committing murder in their own lands or are demanding we bow to Islam or be murdered here at home.

The extremist left who’ve destroyed Western society with Islamisation, multiculturalism, open borders, mass immigration, political correctness and the destruction of the nation state are now being exposed for the danger they pose to all of us.

The Left raises the bogeyman of the Far Right all the time, yet they’re the ones using violence and intimidation. For all their claims of open mindedness, they’re the most bigoted and intolerant lot out there.

Thankfully with Brexit and Trump, the tide is turning.

Fascism stems from the left and nothing has changed; they go for anyone who doesn’t share their agenda

Hope Not Hate are nothing less than brown shirts. They, and United Against Fascism, are – quite ironically – bigoted fascists.

“The fascists of the future will be the anti-fascists.” – Churchill was right.

We are at last fighting back and the political zealotry of Soros and political thugs like Hope not Hate will be destroyed.





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