Locals loving latest leaflet in Lincolnshire


Lincolnshire BNP created brand new literature to kick-start their 2017 campaign with a full-colour, pre-election local leaflet highlighting Labour’s broken promises.

Local BNP teams are already out in the area with a campaign targeted at Louth Labour County Councillors who want more Muslim immigrants – lying to the people by referring to them as ‘Syrian child refugees’ – while pandering to those already here and visiting mosques for publicity photos, while abandoning local Brits.

Louth should be thriving, but with one Labour County Councillor helping local Africans in Tanzania and another tweeting vexatious rants about Brexit, President Trump, the British National Party and banging on about her faith as a Mormon, the BNP are receiving strong local support.

The broken policies of Labour Councillors means this latest leaflet delivers the message that the two elected county councillors are obsessed with Syrians instead of local people and includes quotes from them on the issue.

“Scores of locals are telling us that they’ll be giving their vote to the BNP,” said a local BNP activist.

“Many said they simply refuse to give the current Labour Party a second thought, while others are telling us that Labour has failed to put local people first.”

“BNP policies are being really well received, and people recognise that the BNP will deliver, because they know how passionately we love our country.”

It’s time now for change and time for a Political Party to preserve and protect Louth Heritage with competent optimistic policies and a drive for local excellence.

That party is the British National Party!

Add your support with a donation by cheque payable to ‘British Heritage’ and send to:

Lincolnshire BNP, PO Box 9128, Lutterworth, Leicestershire LE17 9DD



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