Labour MP and Shadow Minister for Fire and Emergency Services, Chris Williamson, has proposed separate train carriages for women and children to protect them from skyrocketing sex attacks in London.
The politicians’ multiculturalism experiment has been so successful in devastating community cohesion in the capital that the Labour MP has called for the government to actively and forcefully segregate social groups for the purposes of crime prevention.
Mr Williamson’s proposal is keeping on track with the leftists’ ‘diversity’ agenda – divide and break up the community to ensure big government becomes an essential component for maintaining civil obedience.
“Multiculturalism has failed”, German Chancellor Angela Merkel famously stated before calling for much more of the same by throwing open the borders to an infinite number of Third World migrants.
One has to wonder whether multiculturalism actually failed or had the politicians another end in mind?
The surge in sex crimes has been exacerbated by Third World migrants of whose culture treats women detrimentally by comparison with the West.

London is the latest city to suffer a surge in sex crimes after Germany and Sweden have been wracked with them since Merkel’s migrant hordes descended on the European continent.
The sex attacks are the symptom of the problem.
The problem is multiculturalism.
“Mr Williamson’s proposal is tantamount to a doctor diagnosing a patient with cancer then applying a sticky plaster – it’ll guarantee the problem will get infinitely worse and highlights the utter idiocy and incompetence of the doctor,” said BNP spokesman .
The answer to the problem is simple – we need to rebuild our British community.
Those groups of people which have proved unable to assimilate into British society need to be encouraged to return to their lands of origin by clamping down on welfare benefits and by providing financial incentives to return to their land of origin.
The latter is a policy introduced by the Labour Party and adopted by both the BNP and the Conservatives.
Those caught attacking women and children must be apprehended and face the full force of the law.
If the criminal is not a British citizen, they must be deported immediately following their sentence.
Britain needs a radical common sense voice in politics, that’s why the BNP needs you, and you need the BNP.