Over the past week Britain has seen major disturbances in towns and cities across the country.

These are a direct result of the murder of 3 innocent little girls by a family member of asylum seekers who settled here.

First, may we state that the BNP do not condone such acts of violence and destruction in any way, shape or form – but we do understand why this is happening.

The British public are sick to death of consecutive Governments flooding Britain with unwanted mass immigration. The blame for these disturbances lies solely at the feet of politicians – they are not fit for purpose.

We now have a new Labour Government trying to run the country, but these traitors are just another bunch of wolves in sheep’s clothing.

They are already turning on the white working class with the new Prime Minister – Two Tier Kier, only recently branding anyone opposed to the replacement agenda racists and Nazis for daring to speak out against the hordes of migrants that are being allowed to flood into OUR homeland daily.

The people have had enough, and this must stop and stop now!!

The puppet Labour government are quick to brand honest decent folks ‘right wing’  but are yet to condemn the violent far – left who have been out in force this weekend or the gangs of Islamist men who attacked a peaceful protest in Bolton and Leicester.

They have also failed to speak out about the riot in Harehills, Leeds when police were attacked, and their cars set on fire.

A serving British soldier was attacked and stabbed in Kent, but once again the pathetic government say it was due to yet another mental illness – and that it was not a terrorist incident.


We say no more.

Good British citizens have been terrorised for far too long, our children raped and murdered. People don’t feel safe to walk the streets because our towns and cities are no longer safe. All because of mass immigration being forced upon us against our will.


It is time to stand up and be heard and to shout until not only do they listen, but they act and do the job they were voted in to do – protect British people.


The BNP is Britain’s last line of defence but to fight on we need your help.

Play your part by supporting the BNP in our fight to make Britain great again

If we are unable to fight for YOUR rights – no one else will!

If, for any reason, you are unable to join a political party, you can do your bit today by donating over the phone by calling 0757 254 8669 or donating online here.



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