Muslim violence on rise after Pakistani Christian beaten for displaying poppy

Freedom Post

The Religion of Peace strikes again!

A Pakistani Christian has reported being beaten unconscious by Muslims angered at poppies and a cross displayed in his car and has warned that Islamic intolerance is on the rise in Britain.

Tajamal Amar, who fled Pakistan after Muslims there shot him for refusing to convert to Islam, suffered a broken nose and lacerations to the head and body when he was assaulted outside a fast food outlet in Derbyshire on October 20th.

Speaking to the Daily Mail, the 46-year-old said that he and his wife had been “shunned” by the Pakistani community in Britain because of his faith.

“Several times, local Pakistani people in Derby have taken offence from the fact that I am Christian,” he told the newspaper.

“On the day of my attack, the visible display of a cross in my car and two poppies just below the front bonnet triggered the violence against me.

“I know this, because for a few days before the attack the same men, glared at me after they noticed my Christian paraphernalia.”

The “hard-line approach” to religion seen among some Muslims is “very dangerous for our society” he added.

“I fled from Pakistan to escape violence such as this, but more and more the same violence is coming into Britain.

“Freedom of religion should be the right of any British citizen but today I feel unsafe, even then nothing will stop me going to church.”

An officer with Derbyshire Police managed to tear himself away from policing Facebook for a moment to confirm that they had received a report of an assault outside the Red Chilli restaurant in Littleover at around 8:45pm.

“[Mr AMar] was hospitalised at the Royal Derby Hospital with a broken nose and we have not yet arrested anyone in connection with the assault.”

No arrests? That’s surprising, because had it been a Muslim attacked by angry Christian men, police would have rounded up the entire Christian community that same night.

Wilson Chowdhry, Chairman of the British Pakistani Christian Association, said:

“This unprovoked attack on a Christian for simply displaying a cross and two large poppies is an example of the religious intolerance that some strands of radical Islam promote in Britain.”

In the past year, so-called ‘hate crimes’ have been made a priority, with police becoming increasingly political and spending their time scouring social networks for online trolls who post comments viewed ‘right wing’ in nature.

Given that the political police have failed to take any action whatsoever against several more higher profile instances of anti-white hatred, their actions strongly suggest that of the 3,395 people arrested in the past year for such offences, the majority or entirety of these arrests were made of white people.

According to Breitbart news, “recent campaigns and initiatives against ‘hate crime’ taking place across the country have been run in partnership with discredited ‘anti-Islamophobia’ organisation Tell MAMA, with Transport for London and police having visited mosques across the city, encouraging Muslims to report ‘perceived’ so-called ‘hate crimes’.”

The latest scandal involving Tell MAMA came when it was caught massaging ‘hate crime’ figures by refusing to take the identity of the caller or take a police crime number, simply recording it as a ‘hate crime’ while taking no evidence whatsoever of it ever having taken place.

The BNP has the common sense and radical solutions:

• Close Britain’s borders, no more immigrants into Britain until we can sort the politicians’ Immigration shambles.

• Create a special independent intelligence unit to isolate and remove Politically Correct heads of authorities including police chiefs. Until that is done, British police will continue persecuting people for their political opinion and putting lives at risk by refusing to investigate genuine crime choosing instead to police Facebook and Twitter.



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