The Labour Party has been forced to suspend yet another of its perverts, this one, just two years after the BNP declared him unfit to represent the people.
David Prescott, son of Labour thug John Prescott, a close aide and speech writer for Jeremy Corbyn has been unceremoniously relieved of his position after “sexual harassment claims” were made against him.
Prescott is the latest in a string of career politicians to have had their reputations brought into question after sordid allegations of sexual misconduct.
During his failed election campaign to become Labour MP for Gainsborough in 2015, the BNP declared him unfit to stand for parliament, a claim made owing to his “flip-flopping” on major issues important to residents in the constituency.

Approached by local news outlet Market Rasen Mail for a comment, an arrogant Prescott dismissed the allegations stating that the political class were not answerable to the people’s party.
“I’m not going to give [the BNP] the oxygen of publicity,” Prescott quipped before his failed election campaign came to a grinding stand-still.
“Each day it’s becoming even more clear as to why the Establishment politicians are so fearful of the BNP,” , BNP Press Officer, told reporters.
“Members of the political class are steadily being revealed to be among the least respectable people in our society, yet exhibit an aloof air of superiority.
“Their’s is an attitude of ‘entitlement’ which appears to be rife throughout the entire culture of the political class and David Prescott appears to be the embodiment of it.
“He’s the son of a one-time leading Labour party figure, Jeremy Corbyn made him his close confidant and a heavy-hitter in the Labour Party, yet he’s a man who has evidently bestowed on himself a status of privilege above ordinary people.
“The supension of Mr Prescott is a huge personal blow to Jeremy Corbyn and calls into question his integrity, judgement, and his ability to surround himself with a suitable circle of advisors.”
“Only yesterday did Jeremy Corbyn announce that those politicians accused of sexual misconduct must be given ‘pastoral care’ – a statement that was most probably written by Mr Prescott himself well aware that revelations of his unsavoury record of sexual harassment were imminent.”
“Mr Prescott has now set a new precedent: Those mainstream politicians who refuse to answer genuine and justified concerns made by the BNP can be seen as ducking the question to avoid telling the truth.”
Referring to the politicians’ expensive scandal in 2013, which began after the BNP exposed financial misconduct by several MP’s and their abuse of their office, Mr Furness said:
“These are the kinds of politician that the BNP exposed for taking wages from the very people they hold in contempt while fiddling their receipts to live lavishly at their expense.
“Quite frankly, the mainstream political parties are proving to have attracted, and to be comprised, of some of the most contemptible and morally-corrupt individuals in our society.
“They need to be called out, and the BNP will continue to do so.”