Over 2000 Immigrants Cross Channel after Rwanda Bill Passed

Over 2000 immigrants have crossed the Channel since the treasonous Government signed the Rwanda Bill costing taxpayers over £8 MILLION per day.

These shocking figures show that this absurd policy will not work – with the invasion continuing to grow with every passing day. This of course is at the expense of you – the British taxpayer.

This abominable Government continue to tell us they are doing everything they can to stop the boats – yet they spend over £370 MILLION on this stunt. Those swamping our shores need to be refused entry and sent straight back across the Channel. Imagine how many millions of pounds of our hard-earned money could be saved and spent on improving the lives of British people.
The hard-hit British taxpayers have paid way too much. We say enough is enough! Why should our own people suffer? Our NHS is on its knees, we have ex British Veterans living on the streets and families are struggling to pay their rent and put food on the table! And still – the wretched government continue to treat us as second-class citizens in our own homeland.

This total lunacy must stop, and it must stop now! The more this government throws at them the more they will come. We say scrap the Rwanda Bill, don’t house them, don’t feed them and send them straight back. The £BILLIONS wasted on these unwanted ‘migrants’ should be spent on our own people – the elderly, the sick, and struggling families. Our homeless are dying on the streets. How can the useless and corrupt government justify this?

The BNP is the ONLY political party which, like the overwhelming majority of the British people, takes the threat of Immigration very seriously and we need to pile the pressure on the traitorous political class so that they cannot ignore the demands and will of the British people.

Ours is strength in numbers and we need your help to bring about change and save your country. Are you with us?




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