The disgraced mainstream media (MSM) has resorted to slandering an entire continent of people as gang rapists rather than identify the real perpetrators.
Today, cowardly editors at the Daily Mail and The Mirror resorted to branding entire races as prolific racist sex offenders after they reported that ‘Asian grooming gangs’ were gang raping young white girls.
Muslim Rape Gangs have been preying on, drugging, gang raping, torturing and selling young white girls for sex within their communities in Britain for decades with impunity from the law and in all the high-profile cases reported, were aided and abetted by Politically Correct police forces, and the horrifying crimes covered up by the BBC.
The BNP was the ONLY political party which tirelessly spoke out for the victims, despite persecution by the law, and finally forced an independent inquiry which resulted in the harrowing 2014 Jay Report on Muslim Rape Gangs in Rotherham.
If there’s one thing the BNP has consistently done, it’s telling it like it is:
This is NOT an ‘Asian’ problem, it is a Muslim problem!
The fact that the majority of the gang rapists are ‘men of Pakistani heritage’ is a result of their submission to Islam, NOT their geographical origin or race.
Incensed by such slander and the inaction of authorities to address the sickening phenomenon, heads of UK-based Sikh, Hindu and Pakistani Christian organisations came together to write letter to parliament which was printed in the The Times and the Sikh Press Association demanding action be taken by the government to eradicate Muslim Rape Gangs.
In the letter signed by Lord Singh on behalf of the Network of Sikh Organisations along with groups including the British Pakistani Christian Association and Hindu Council UK, it stated that is was “not just white girls” who have been targeted by Muslim Rape Gangs.
“For decades Hindu, Sikh and Christian organisations have raised concerns about grooming gangs.
“The latter have plagued our communities, so much so that a BBC documentary on the targeting of Sikhs was aired a few years ago.
“The common denominator is that victims almost always tend to be non-Muslim girls.”
The writing of the letter was prompted by the sacking by Jeremy Corbyn of Rotherham Labour Party MP Sarah Champion after she finally came clean, after years of silence, about the horrifying extent of racially motivated sex crimes against young white girls.
In an article published in The Sun last month, Champion revealed that her constituency “has a problem with British Pakistani men raping and exploiting white girls.”
The BNP has long since spoken out for the victims.

Way back in 2007, as a BNP Member Rajinder Singh, who recorded a video for the Party also alerted the BNP to the fact that Muslim Rape Gangs were targeting young Sikh girls by masquerading as Sikh men.
The BNP led the fight against Muslim Rape Gangs for decades and the authorities and politicians are not only well aware of this but are well aware of the facts too, because the BNP have informed them.
Below are the facts about Muslim Rape Gangs operating in Britain today:
- Muslim Rape Gangs, mostly comprised of men of Pakistani heritage, have been selecting young white girls as their victims
- Muslims Rape Gangs have been drugging, torturing, gang raping, selling and passing round victims for further horrifying abuse by other Muslim men in their community
- Muslim Rape Gangs operate in every town and city with a significant Muslim population across the Britain
- The rape of non-Muslim girls by Muslim men is condoned – even encouraged by some Muslim clerics – in Muslim communities across Britain and Europe
- Police forces, politicians and local authorities – including child welfare organisations, all of which are institutionally PC – have actively worked to cover up the sickening crimes for decades
- Cowardly individuals in these PC institutions would rather vulnerable young white girls are gang-raped and tortured in their tens of thousands than having one of their PC peers call them ‘racist’
- Corrupt PC police chiefs have colluded with local politicians – mostly from the Labour Party – to ensure that Muslim Rape Gangs can continue their criminal and racist activities unmolested so as not to provoke the Muslim community costing Labour its Muslim bloc vote
- Those members of Muslim Rape Gangs that do face criminal prosecution are given the most lenient sentences that judges can hand down and let off without the charges of racial motivation which would automatically mean the victim severs a 7-year sentence