Returning Officer’s Declaration and Report
At a venue in the North West on Monday 29th July 2019, starting at 2pm and concluding that day, the votes for the 2019 BNP Leadership Election were opened, verified and counted in the presence of both candidates and their respective guests.
The results of the election are as follows:
Adam Walker – 308 (65.25%)
– 161 (34%)
Spoiled Ballots – 7
The turnout was 40% of those eligible to vote – an increase from the last BNP Leadership Election.
After the count, I declared Adam Walker to be the duly elected Chairman of the British National Party.
Returning Officer’s Report
During this election, I had a good working relationship with both candidates, neither of whom objected to me being the Returning Officer.
Each election is a process that has many stages and throughout this election I dealt with numerous issues brought to my attention.
I dealt with all officially lodged issues in an impartial and logical manner.
Out of all the ballots sent out, I received only six requests for duplicate ballot papers, four of which were genuine and were promptly sent out.
Two of those requesting ballots were found to be ineligible to vote and were content with the explanation.
Several points were raised about improving procedures for the next election which will be implemented.
I can say that up to the announcement of the results, I received no official complaints and am happy to say that no official reprimands where deemed necessary – a vast improvement on previous elections.
It is disappointing to lose any election, but as Nationalists it is vital that everyone respects the democratic decision of the voting membership.
Leave the fallouts and how NOT to behave during and after an election to the Tories and Labour, who are busy making a disgrace out of themselves and turning everyone off politics.
As patriots, it is our duty to come together and move on stronger, not weaker, after an internal election.
Thank you,
David O’Loughlin
Returning Officer and Head of Dispatch