UKIP leader begs public not to write them off

Beleaguered UKIP leader, Paul Nuttall, has tried to reassure his disillusioned supporters after being soundly beaten in the recent Stoke-on-Trent parliamentary election – despite being the favourite to win.

“Writing us off is a mistake,” stated the gaffe-prone Mr Nuttall.

In his written statement he claimed that UKIP was much more than an anti-EU pressure group adding that, “we are the party that tells it like it is – even when you are not meant to.”

While penning the claim, the fib-favouring UKIP leader was apparently suffering a bout of amnesia, forgetting the most horrific scandal in years – Muslim rape gangs in Rotherham.

Two UKIP councillors sat in Rotherham during the period that thousands of white British girls were being tortured and repeatedly gang raped by ‘men of Pakistanis heritage’ in their ward.

Even after the British National Party had informed the entire country on national television of the horrors being committed by Muslim rape gangs, UKIP remained silent on the issue.

More recently, the beleaguered UKIP leader, Mr Nuttall, managed to spectacularly sabotage his parliamentary candidacy with a series of play school blunders including; lying about living in Stoke; alienating his popular predecessor, Nigel Farage, by employing a campaign manager who had levelled vicious accusations against him; and causing distress to many after being outed live on radio for having lied about losing friends in the Hillsborough Disaster.

His spectacular own-goal came later in his campaign when, having not been seen in the constituency so far, he promptly held a UKIP day of action – at a Stoke mosque!

The spectacle of Mr Nuttall, aping his respected predecessor clad from head to toe in Tweed, flanked by his elderly gaggle of UKIPers begging Muslims for votes was enough to churn the stomach of anyone, never mind the white working class Brits of Stoke.

The city of Stoke on Trent had the highest per-capita vote in favour of leaving the EU.

“If UKIP can’t win in Stoke-on-Trent, they can’t win anywhere,” said BNP Press Officer .

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