Labour MP defends Muslim rioters in Birmingham

The BNP have called for the immediate resignation of Labour minister Jess Phillips for her comments defending armed Islamist rioters in Birmingham last night.

Reports were made about large groups of out of control armed Islamist men attacking pubs and assaulting white citizens and screaming Allahu Akbar for most of the day.

A Sky news team had to halt their video report after threats where made against one individual, clearly seen on camera, making gun gestures towards the film crew.

The Labour MP for Birmingham Yardley took it upon herself to defend these people saying that the armed group were only on the streets to ‘defend themselves from right – wing thugs’.

This is just another example of the Labour party policy of ‘two-tier policing- letting armed Islamist men do what they want, unchallenged by authority, whilst other concerned British citizens are labelled as Nazis and right – wing thugs.

Our benevolent new Prime Minister – Two Tier Kier Starmer has not surprisingly gone into hiding, refusing to comment on the actions of yet another of his anti-white MPs.

This man has, in the few short weeks he has been Prime Minister shown us just how little he thinks of the white working class of Britain.

He is a traitor.

It is the right of every British citizen to complain about Labour minister Jess Phillips’ comments and we say contact your local Labour party MP and demand that this anti-white anti-British MP resigns NOW!!


The BNP is the ONLY political party to deliver a radical plan of action to save the lives of British people in our native homeland; put a stop to, and reverse, the Islamisation of Britain and the politicians’ Population Replacement agenda.

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