Tories ban Christmas under threat of police raids

Tories have announced that they have officially cancelled Christmas family parties to prevent more Chinese Coronavirus ‘cases’.

Ghoulish Tory Health Czar, Matt Hancock, added that hugs between family members were also banned under penalty from authorities.

In a rare show of empathy, Hancock hinted that police ‘might turn a blind eye’ to gatherings of “six plus grandma” as long as the dinner table is big enough to allow “social distancing” of at least one metre between diners.

Promising the British people a third “lockdown” in 2021, Hancock assured us of disruption this Christmas:

“It’s about getting the balance right and allowing people to have a Christmas that undoubtedly will be different this year but still try to have that cherished Christmas with your family as much as possible.”

Dame Cressida Dick, Head of Metropolitan Political Police, reacted to Hancock’s threats of Christmas party police raids stating that officers had “other things to do” including painting their nails for gay pride celebrations, covering for Muslim grooming gangs, bending their knee to Marxist Black Lives Matter mobs and avoiding crime scenes.

Dick added that police would only raid family homes this Christmas if there was evidence of festive fun taking places at “huge” parties.

BNP Chairman Adam Walker told reporters:

“This action by the government is unprecedented, ridiculous and outrageous!” BNP Chairman, told reporters.

“Coronavirus has fast become a tool for massive government overreach, stepping way over the line of acceptability and running roughshod over our civil liberties.”

“It’s gone way beyond keeping people safe, into the realms of citizen oppression… and without any effective official opposition to this government’s increasingly draconian and authoritarian regulations, it’s left once again, to the British National Party to champion, uphold and speak out to defend the rights of the British public.”

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