Priti Patel and the Ugly Truth about this Government.

Brexit promises us a historic victory, and with it the freedom to take back control of our borders.
One of the electorate’s core concerns is the changing character of our towns and cities through mass migration.
But whether the Prime Minister believes in Brexit or not, one thing Boris Johnson does believe in is an open-door immigration policy.
He has publically called for an amnesty for illegal migrants, and as Mayor of London, he was openly pro-immigration, despite the city’s decent into ghettoisation.
Boris’s boasts about his most diverse cabinet ever owe more to a box-ticking approach to recruitment rather than selecting based on talent or suitability for the post.
Priti Patel resigned from the cabinet in disgrace in November 2017 after it emerged she met Israeli government officials many times in secret without permission of the Government.
She wanted to give British taxpayers’ cash to a foreign army to support its ‘humanitarian work’ in the occupied Golan Heights.
Now she’s Home Secretary and responsible for immigration policy.
Priti Patel: So what is her department up to?
Here are just a few key points:
Removals of foreign criminals, illegal migrants, and failed asylum claimants have slumped as the Home Office no longer has the will to act.
Freedom of movement will continue after Brexit in a ‘transition period’.
Overseas students studying any ‘Mickey Mouse’ degree at obscure universities will be able to stay on for years and compete for your jobs.
It is now easier for takeaway outlets to recruit staff from Asia, thanks to ‘vindaloo visas’.
It doesn’t stop there, of course.
We could also talk about ‘sham marriages’ – where a relationship is entered into solely to gain an immigration advantage – which can offer a route to UK residency for countless dependants.
There was a 50% increase in these bogus unions between 2012 and 2018.
And so it continues.
There is no prospect of the current Government taking a firm stance on migration and easing the relentless pressure on wages, housing, education, healthcare, and our communities.
Far from Brexit being an opportunity to restore order, Boris Johnson and his inner circle are using it as an excuse to increase migration from the developing world.
The British National Party has always backed Brexit, not for cynical political manoeuvring, but because we are the genuine patriotic alternative.
We were right about the European Union, and we are right about migration.
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