Fresh revelations prove authorities are aiding and abetting Muslim Grooming Gangs

Former detective with Greater Manchester Police, Maggie Oliver, has revealed the ongoing and systematic cover up of attacks on young White girls by Muslim Rape Gangs.

In an interview last month, Oliver said that after begging the inquiry into Muslim Rape Gangs in Rochdale to consider her witness statement, they deleted more than two-thirds of it.

Oliver wrote over 50 pages, the inquiry shredded 38.

Almost 20 years ago, the British National Party blew the whistle on the horrific and systematic rape of young White girls by gangs of Muslim men aided and abetted in their crimes by the authorities in Rotherham and across the county by way of a cover up.

The incredible and courageous work done by BNP activists finally forced an investigation which resulted in 2014’s Jay Report, revealing the scope of the racially motivated attacks, rapes and atrocities against our people in Rotherham.

The revelations shocked and shamed the nation.

Maggie Oliver’s witness statement proves these attacks the racially motivated attacks and atrocities committed by Muslim gangs against our young girls continue.

To make matters even more harrowing, the authorities have learned nothing and continue to cover up and aid these rapists in their crimes.

The BNP is Britain’s last line of defence but to fight on we need your help.

Play your part by supporting the BNP in our fight to bring to justice Muslim Rape Gangs and the complicit authorities, and protect our young girls!

If we are unable to fight for YOUR rights – no one else will!

If, for any reason, you are unable to join a political party, you can do your bit today by donating over the phone by calling 0757 254 8669 or donating online here.



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