1,000 illegals invade Britain in a single week as Tory betrayal reaches all time high

More than 1,000 illegal immigrants have arrived on British shores in a single week alone.

In July, a whopping 3,000 illegal migrants arrived from France on dingies and boats.

The hordes of African and Middle Eastern migrants flooding to soft-touch Britain in the seven months of 2021 has already surpassed the number that arrived in the whole of 2020.

The numbers reveal a staggering betrayal of the British people by Boris Johnson’s Tory government which has promised tough action to end the illegal invasion… and spectacularly failed.

While being locked down in our homes for the past 18 months, the Tory Government actively looked the other way while tens of thousands of illegal migrants poured across the English Channel in dingies from France only to be collected British coastal authorities and brought ashore to claim benefits and residence England at the taxpayers expense.

During this time too, deportations of illegals collapsed by 79% despite Home Secretary Priti Patel’s promises to ‘get tough’.

Earlier this month Britain’s Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) announced it will will no longer prosecute illegal migrants.

It’s clear that the Tory government and the Establishment in Britain has no intention of protecting the interests of the British people and putting an end to the invasion of our nation.

The British Government is encouraging the illegal flood of migrants from the Third World to Britain while lying to the British people that they are getting tough.

Enough is enough!

The British National Party remains the ONLY political party committed to ending Mass Immigration and the politicians’ Population Replacement agenda.

The BNP relies on your support to fight the political corruption in Britain and put the British people first every time.

If, for any reason, you are unable to join a political party, you can do your bit today by donating over the phone by calling 0757 254 8669 or donating online here.



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