Gender Equality Paradox: is it responsible for the equal pay gap?

Gender Equality Paradox

Efforts by governments such as affirmative action (positive discrimination) and statutory quotas to enable women to reach top managerial positions, and to promote equal pay seem to have the opposite effect due to the gender equality paradox.Gender equality paradox: Fishermen on a trawler in very rough seas. Efforts to get women to do this dangerous work have ended in failure.

According to the Global Gender Gap Report, Scandinavian countries are the best in the world in terms of providing equal opportunities for women.

Save the Children has stated that there is no other part of the world where mothers have equally good conditions.

Scandinavian governments have worked for decades to make sure equality between men and women in the workplace.

Their efforts have been a failure.

Compared to men, American women have a 15% lower chance of reaching a managerial position.

Swedish women are 48% less likely than men to attain a management position.

In Norway, the gap is 52%, in Finland 56%, and in Denmark 63%.

These statistics were not what the far-left politicians expected.

Chasing the money

In poorer countries, people are desperate for jobs, and so they will be attracted to high-paying employment even if they have little inherent interest in that job.

Nonetheless, they will do the job mainly for the money.

In wealthier countries, people may want to pursue what genuinely interests them.

However, I suspect there are millions of people in North America and Europe who feel they are in the wrong career.

Perhaps they initially chose a career because it appeared to offer higher salaries, but they now wish they could do something else.

In America, this phenomenon is called ‘chasing the money’, and, in my opinion, it rarely leads to long-term success.

Nonetheless, in more affluent countries, people are more able to follow their inclinations and seek employment in professions which give them give real job satisfaction rather than ‘chasing the money’.

Why is there a gender pay gap?

Gender equality paradox: A male and a female are both thinking why there is a gender pay gap.

Social ‘scientists’ assume that there are, for example, more male engineers than female engineers because of societal oppression and discrimination against females.

However, the evidence seems to show that ‘discrimination’ is not the reason for the gender pay gap.

The more equal a society becomes, the more likely it is that men and women choose traditionally gendered jobs.

In other words, the more freedom and opportunities you give to people in society, the more likely it is that people are free to express any genetic predisposition.

Women get paid less than men because they often take jobs that pay less than the jobs men take.

The gender wage gap exists because of that preference, not because of unfair and unequal treatment of the genders.

What politicians fail to understand is the possibility that men and women may be interested in different things.

Let’s not forget that men spend 14% more time at work, and are nine times more likely to die at work than women.

However, childless women aged 22-30 outearn childless men aged 22-30 by over 8%.

Gender Neutral Mania

Gender equality ‘scientists’ reject the notion that biology plays a part in influencing the way people think and act.

The far-left would like us to believe that gender is a social construct.

However, science and everyday observations suggest otherwise.

The rejection of genetic predisposition explains why there is now an attempt by the far-left to push their gender-neutrality agenda. Gender-neutral mania: the far left are demanding more gender-neutral restrooms and toilets

PayPal has decided that North Carolina is wrong to restrict its citizens from using the bathroom of the opposite sex and has cancelled its expansion plans to bring millions of dollars and hundreds of jobs to the state.

Universities are now prohibiting gender-based terminology.

John Lewis (the retail store) said that it was no longer going to use “boys” and “girls” labels on children’s clothing.

The retailer says it does not want “reinforced gender stereotypes”.

Gender equality theorists refuse to admit that there are inherent differences between the genders.

It’s because they fear that if they do admit it, then it must mean one gender is ‘superior’ to the other.

Of course, that analysis is nonsense.

Does the Gender Equality Paradox explain the gender pay gap?

The Gender Equality Paradox means that increasing positive discrimination and statutory quotas to help women get top jobs has the opposite effect.

The gender pay gap is not because of discrimination against women; it’s because of the job preferences of women.

Biology does play a part in influencing the way people think and act.

I believe that a mixture of both biology and cultural influence affects the way humans behave.

Furthermore, I believe males and females should have equal rights, but they should also have the right to be different.

It’s better to address the issue of low pay in ‘female’ professions and not implement quotas.

Discrimination against women in the workplace must be eliminated.

If women have a genuine interest in ‘male-dominated’ professions, then, of course, they should receive encouragement.

However, it’s wrong to push people into jobs and careers in which they have little genuine interest.

Final thought

If women are really getting paid less for doing the same work as men, then why aren’t companies firing all the men and hiring only women?


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