Teachers union demands ‘White privilege’ is taught to all children from 3-years-old

The National Education Union (NEU) has issued a report demanding that all children from 3-years-old be taught about ‘White privilege’ to decolonise the classroom.

The NEU, Britain’s biggest teachers union with some 450,000 members, further stated that ‘from curriculum to routines to classroom layout, our education system has been shaped by colonisation and neo-liberalism’.

While the education system has long since banned ‘White’ books, including globally-revered literary titans such as Shakespeare while calling for the ‘decolonisation’ of Mathematics, the NEU announced that the next phase must ‘move beyond diversification of literature to look at critiquing the ideas and knowledge we perpetuate and transforming pedagogical methods’.

In the report, the NEU suggests that education offered in schools lacks ‘honesty and transparency’ because of the ‘silence around British imperialism and racism in the British education system, as well as a lack of histories from around the world’.

To implement this race-hate programme, specialists would be brought into classrooms to ‘train teachers and schools on whiteness, anti-racism, creating tools for critical self-reflection and understanding the system’ and says schools should ‘make white privilege and colonialism visible’.

According to the NEU, the Covid-19 pandemic and the rise of social terror group BLM (Black Lives Matter), the decolonisation programme is now ‘urgent’.

In an example of characteristically shameless Leftwing hypocrisy, the NEU advocates for Britain to be punished by surrendering her culture and submitting to colonisation by all other non-White peoples and cultures from the entire world.


Institutional anti-White racism

Institutionally racist organisations are demanding that our children are taught to hate themselves.

Surveys have long shown that White working class boys – demoralised from constant racial abuse, sexual discrimination and forced to learn about every world culture except their own – now constitute the lowest performing students.

Britain has passed the point where immigrants are no longer expected to assimilate with British society, now our children are under attack!

While the native British people are forced to submit and change their society to accommodate immigrants and pay for the politicians’ Population Replacement agenda, our children are being taught to hate themselves, their ancestral heritage, nation and tradition on the grounds of their race.

Isn’t it time YOU stood up and joined the fight to protect our children from institutional anti-White racism?

The BNP is the ONLY political party fighting to put the interests of the native British people first in Britain every time.

The BNP has strength in numbers.

That’s why we need YOU in our fight to uphold and preserve the precious and unique heritage and culture of our island nations.

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