Christmas has come early for British nationalists!

I’m delighted to announce that the brand new British National Party website is live and kicking.

Like me, I’m sure you’re delighted to see the BNP is powering forward in time to build on the British National Party’s resurgence in 2017.

In order to deliver the perfect product, we’re running a test period for several weeks to ensure that glitches can be identified and corrected – and, as is the nature of these things, glitches there will be – before we unveil our new state-of-the-art website with a fanfare launch.

During this test period, I’m asking for your patience and assistance in identifying glitches and drawing to the attention of our web team, problems to add to our snagging list so that we can deliver the perfect product ready for the new year.

If a brand new website in time for Christmas is not exciting enough, over the next few weeks content will be continually added and the site built upon.

So if you haven’t done so already – add this website to your favourites and watch this space!

Exciting times – thanking you for your assistance.

Best of British,

Adam Walker
BNP Chairman



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