A Short Lesson in History

The early English (Anglo-Saxons) were not immigrants.

One of the most common lies made of the English is that we are merely immigrant descendents ourselves, but this was never the case.

The Anglo-Saxon and Jute Germanic peoples advanced into the lands of Britannia upon the total withdrawal of the Roman legions. At the time Britannia was largely depopulated and there is no evidence of a clear ‘British’ nation of people, merely loose warring tribes – having lost the unity that Rome enforced.

Definition – Immigrant: A person who comes to live permanently in a foreign ‘country’

Definition – Country: A nation with its own government, occupying a particular territory

Due to the catastrophic breakdown of Roman territorial structures and the violence and anarchy of its time, there is no evidence of a single government occupying a particular territory, therefore the Germanic peoples (Angles/Saxons/Jutes) arrived as ‘Settlers’ and evidence of this is further borne about by their establishment of the vast majority of towns/cities in the nation of England today.

The previous conquerors created Londinium/Colchester and other such cities that were to endure only to fully abandon then in 449AD when the legions were all recalled due to major troubles in the Roman Empire.

Initially the three tribes established their own separate countries only to be fully united in 937AD by Athelstan (grandson of Alfred the Great).

At no point were we merely immigrants taking what was already there.

We were a creative, settler people for which we can feel pride.

The Anglo-Saxons were the early English who gave their name to England “Lands of the Angles” we therefore didn’t arrive to live in a country; we actually created it which is why we recognise our ownership towards our land as the indigenous people.



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