Why have you hired a white person over candidates from ethnic minorities Ask NHS Bosses

NHS bosses are demanding interview panels explain why they have hired a white person over someone from an ethnic minority and require staff to compile reports justifying why the successful candidate was deemed ‘more suitable’ then the ethnic.

They are required to write to the trust’s chief executive with evidence on how they scored the non-white applicant and produce suggestions to help them employ more people from the ethnic community even if the white candidate is more qualified.

A top-level source at the hospital said we just want the person who is most qualified to do the job, the decision to employ people less qualified just because of the colour of their skin could put people lives at risk.

The BNP would put a stop to this nonsense and give the jobs to the people who are best qualified for the position.

The NHS is under tremendous pressure and way too much money is being wasted on pointless ethnic diversity drives, this is just another example of it, the people at the top need to spend more time looking at ways to help the front-line staff and not looking at skin colou

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