How to handle insults on social media

How to handle insults on social media

How to handle insults on social media

When using social media, nationalists and patriots will often get negative replies and comments.

Anyone who suggests that a nation should have the right to control its borders will get an avalanche of the slur and swear words.

The most common slur words they use are Nazi, racist, and fascist.

The most common swear words they use are those which begin with the letter ‘f’ or the letter ‘c’.

Bad spelling on social media may get you a large number of insults.

So, let’s begin…

How to handle insults: Defend yourself on social media

It’s good to know some defensive moves.

The following diagrams explain some techniques that can be used to handle these insults.

The R-word

If someone is calling you the R-word, then use this…

How to handle insults: Use the word racist if you are scared of the truth and you are losing an argument

The F-word

If someone is calling you the F-word, then use this…

How to handle insults: Use the word fascist if you are intellectually weak

The N-word

Use this, if they use the N-word…

Use the word Nazi if you are losing an argument and you are intellectually weak

Spelling Mistakes

Are you always criticised for your spelling?

If so, then this may help…

Blackboard shows the difference between its and it's, as well as the difference between their and there.


How to handle insults: If it gets really out of hand

You can always just block or unfriend them.

However, if insults turn into harassment, then report the abuse.


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